Friday, April 15, 2022

Wisedom Dog Toothbrush Stick Complete & Comprehensive Product Review...

I’d like to help you and all of the other dog owners looking for the top chew toys that also clean dog’s teeth. At the moment, I’m going to tell you about the Wisedom Dog Toothbrush Stick, which in my estimation is the Best Dog Toothbrush Chew Toy.

What would you do next?

The veterinarian tells you that your pooch is potentially in danger. He or she is showing early signs of gum disease and your dog has plaque filled and tartar covered teeth.

She tells you that you must do what’s right to get your dog brushing their teeth. And then you wonder, “How the heck am I supposed to do that?”

Believe it or not, there is a simple solution to this problem.

Right now, many wonderful companies produce some of the best dog teeth cleaning chew toys available without delay. Not only will these toys help keep your dog’s teeth clean and its breath fresh, but they will also prevent unwanted ailments including gingivitis, gum disease, cavities, bad breath, etc.

But now you’re faced with a new dilemma. You wouldn’t have the first clue on how to determine the best dog teeth cleaning toys for your pups.

Guess what? That’s where my research comes into the picture.

Do you know what else?

I also tested this product against 5 other different products. And I took it a step further by analyzing and reviewing all 6 dog teeth cleaning chew toys in 5 specific categories to help narrow down how each chew toy specifically excels.

The categories that I analyzed include:

  • Durability
  • Safety
  • Satisfaction
  • Teeth Cleaning
  • Attraction

To see how well the Wisedom Dog Toothbrush Stick measured up against the competition, please continue reading about my overall verdict, complete analysis, and much more below.

Our Verdict: Wisedom Dog Toothbrush Stick

Here’s everything I discovered:

It shouldn’t surprise anyone to learn that I really like the Wisedom Dog Toothbrush Stick. Why isn’t this a shocking revelation? I would never bother reviewing a product at all if I didn’t like it in some way, shape, or form.

And get this… My dogs really seemed to like it even more than I did, which is obviously the reason why I appreciate this product in the first place. I wouldn’t give it the title of Best Dog Toothbrush Chew Toy for nothing. Right?

How did I come to this conclusion? Well, let’s see…

As far as durability goes, I really ended up liking this product a great deal. I like the fact that it’s made of natural rubber and it was made with bite resistance in mind, so the product doesn’t immediately fall apart the second your dog starts chewing on it. 

It actually lasts for weeks if you use it correctly, by only allowing your dog to chew on it for 3-5 minutes at a time to brush its teeth.

What about safety?

I didn’t witness anything with my dogs to make me feel like this product was unsafe. In fact, I had the opposite feeling which is why I implicitly trust this product. It’s made of all-natural rubber, so my dog will not get sick, and it’s big enough so it won’t become a choking hazard.

Did my dogs find it satisfying?

You bet your bottom dollar they did. My dogs would have chewed this toy to bits if I let them on the very first try. As a toothbrush, you can stick chicken flavored toothpaste inside, which really gets the dogs excited. 

But remember, this toy isn’t designed to let your dogs play with it all day long. Take it away from them after five minutes to preserve its longevity.

And what about teeth cleaning?

It’s great for teeth cleaning. Cleaning teeth is exactly what this product was designed for. And not only will dog teeth get cleaned by removing plaque and tartar with the bristles, you can also add toothpaste to the mix for fresh breath and added teeth cleaning effectiveness.


My dogs absolutely enjoyed the heck out of this dog teeth cleaning chew toy. As I mentioned more than once, they would’ve kept playing with it nonstop if I didn’t take it away from them once they finished brushing their teeth after five minutes of use.

My final verdict: this product scored a 90 out of 100, which puts it in fifth place.

Related: Best Dog Teeth Cleaning Toys

Our Analysis, Comparisons & Test Results

Wondering about my testing and analysis process?

I always work to keep things simple on this website. It’s the reason why I created a simplified analysis and testing process. I use this process to thoroughly review each one of the products that I purchase and test.

Why do I do it? I want to find the best products for my dogs and I’d rather avoid buying crappy products over and over again. So, I decided to test the Wisedom Dog Toothbrush Stick along with 5 other products and measure the results against each other.

I do this by viewing each product under a figurative microscope in 5 different categories. And then I share my results and how each product measured up in each category.

To see how the Wisedom dog toothbrush did in each category, please continue below to learn the final results.

Wisedom Dog Toothbrush Stick FAQs:

Can I Add Food To The Reservoir To Make The Wisedom Dog Toothbrush Stick More Appealing To My Dogs?

Absolutely! You can add flavored toothpaste if you’re trying to help your dog remove even more tartar and plaque and other unwanted things. Or you can simply add food if that’s what you prefer.

I tried using a few different food sources to make the dog toothbrush more attractive. I rubbed peanut butter on the outside, some hummus, a dab of honey in very small amounts, and coconut oil on one occasion as well. The dogs seemed to really enjoy each one of these options and it definitely made the dog toothbrush stick a heck of a lot more appealing.

Is The Wisedom Dog Toothbrush Stick As Durable As A Typical Dog Bone?

Many people often wonder if this product is as durable as a regular dog bone. And the honest-to-goodness answer is that it’s not. It’s durable enough for a dog toothbrush stick, but it isn’t going to last for days or weeks like a rock-hard dog bone that your pup could gnaw on day after day.

In fact, this isn’t technically a real chew toy at all. It’s a dog toothbrush designed to clean your dog’s teeth for about five minutes a day. You should definitely take it away from your pups after the allotted time frame, because they will chew it to pieces if you leave it with them for too long.

Is It Safe To Wash The Wisedom Dog Toothbrush Stick In The Dishwasher?

Yes, I can say with certainty that it is dishwasher safe. You can place this on the top rack of the dishwasher and it will not melt or fall apart. This product is relatively sturdy and made of hard stuff, so it is designed to last for a while.

It’s best to avoid putting it on the bottom rack in the dishwasher because it certainly could melt. I never tried it personally, but it isn’t worth it to test the theory. 

Just remember to keep it on the top rack and all will be well.

Wisedom Dog Toothbrush Stick

Our Final Verdict: Wisedom Dog Toothbrush Stick

It brings me a plethora of joy and happiness just knowing that you made it all the way to the end and reached the finish line. I’m so glad that you read to the bottom, because this likely means the information shared and testing that I underwent provided valuable insight into exactly what you were looking for. 

Was it also entertaining? I certainly hope so! But it doesn’t necessarily matter as long as the information was valuable and informative.

I take a great deal of time out of my busy schedule to research, test, and analyze all types of dog related products including the best dog teeth cleaning chew toys. I know that people count on my reviews, which is why I attempt to deliver the highest quality information whenever possible. And I would never review a product that I didn’t like.

Even more important, today I discovered that the Wisedom Dog Toothbrush Stick is the Best Dog Toothbrush Chew Toy currently available on the market right now.

How did I come to this unanimous conclusion? As you learned above, I found out so much during the testing and analysis phase. I’ll briefly reiterate what I learned below:

  • This product is durable, strong, and if you use it right, it could last for a few weeks before it needs to be replaced.
  • This product is very safe. It’s made from all-natural rubber which is healthy for the dogs and it never appeared to be a choking hazard whatsoever.
  • This product was one that my dogs certainly found satisfying. They loved chewing on it a little too much if you ask me!
  • This product is great for the purposes of teeth cleaning. The dogs love to chew it and it really gets in there and removes the unwanted plaque and tartar quite effectively.
  • This product is also very attractive to dogs. They love chewing on it for whatever reason and they appreciate it even more when I fill it with beef or poultry flavored toothpaste, peanut butter, or other tasty treats.

Are you still undecided as to whether or not this is the best dog teeth cleaning chew toy to buy? Maybe you want to expand your horizons and consider a few of the other products that I reviewed and mentioned in this article. If you’d like to get the lowdown on these other products, you can find more info by checking out this page: Best Dog Teeth Cleaning Toys

Or a different approach could include:

Going right to the source. You might enjoy visiting the sales page for this product online and seeing the information posted firsthand. You also might find a review or two about this toothbrush stick for dogs while you’re there. Click this link: Wisedom Dog Toothbrush Stick to check it out firsthand and see for yourself.

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