Tuesday, August 2, 2022

How to Clean A Dog Bed Without A Removable Cover, Must Read Tips For Dog Owners

Knowing how to clean a dog bed without a removable cover seems like a daunting process. Don’t worry because it doesn’t have to be. I’ll tell you how to clean a cover list dog bed even if it isn’t machine washable and much more below.

Washing a dog bed without a removable cover requires a few steps. First, vacuum the bed. Second, spot cleans any stains. Third, soak the bed in warm and soapy water for 15 minutes. Fourth, use baking soda to scrub the bed. Fifth, thoroughly rinse the bed. Finally, wring out the bed and let it dry.

There’s no need to complicate the cleaning process. Just follow the simple instructions mentioned above and you’ll have no trouble getting your dog bed clean. This is true even if it doesn’t have removable covers.

In some situations, you may find that a dog bed isn’t machine washable. In other cases, it will be machine washable. I’ll share a few ways to clean a dog bed without a removable cover in greater detail below.

dog with tongue out under blanket
Photo by Alkhaine on Pixabay.com

Related article: Top 10 Best Dog Beds, Our Complete Analysis

How to Clean A Dog Bed Without A Removable Cover: Step-By-Step Guide

Some people find it difficult and confusing to properly clean dog bedding without having a step-by-step process to follow. I want to help the confusion by sharing my 6-step process with you today.

These steps will put an end to all of your confusion once and for all. They include taking the following actions:

Step #1: Vacuum The Dog’s Bed

According to petlife.com, “Before you proceed with cleaning items like water or detergents, it’s necessary to eliminate all dog hair and dirt in the bed. Even if you have washable dog beds, it helps to vacuum them before any wet treatments.”

This should be obvious on the surface, but many people fail to properly vacuum off their pet hair before washing dog beds. If you were to put the dog bed in the washing machine or soak it in a large tub without removing the dog hair, it would leave behind nasty clumps of dog fur that become a lot more difficult to clean up after they are wet.

If you don’t have a vacuum, you can always try using a lint roller. A lint roller will remove a decent amount of dog hair, which is great because it isn’t easy to shake out a dog bed when it doesn’t have a removable cover.

So, take a dust buster or your favorite handheld vacuum and give the dog’s bed a thorough cleaning. You also should know that you could use a regular vacuum on the dog’s bed if you do not have a handheld version. Either of these will work to remove and eliminate unwanted pet fur and get the dog’s bed clean and free of hair before you can begin a proper and thorough washing.

Step #2: Clean Stains With A Stain Remover

Next, it’s time to start working on eliminating the stains left behind by your dog. This doesn’t need to be difficult to accomplish. You can use homemade stain cleaners and other store-bought products to attempt to eliminate the stains.

Most dog beds are loaded with pet odor. Always follow the washing instructions to get the bed clean. Before it is machine washed, you can remove all the stains by using Spray N Wash, stain stick, or some type of mild detergent along with other wet treatments to clean the sleeping surface. This will eliminate unwanted stains and make life much better for your furry friend by improving your dog’s health.

I tend to recommend using Spray N Wash products. They can dig into the crime and pet stains that are left behind. Just spray it on the dog bed and remember to sprinkle a few drops anywhere that you find difficult to eliminate the stain.

Step #3: Soak Your Pet’s Bed In Warm & Soapy Water

According to simplymade.com.au, “Much like a washing machine (without the tossing around), soaking your dog’s bed in warm, soapy water can kill bacteria and tackle dirt effectively.”

The soaking step is very important when cleaning your dog’s bed. By soaking it in warm water, you are thoroughly sucking a lot of the dirt, grime, and dust that has accumulated in the dog bed. If you soak it long enough, you should see black and dirty water left behind after you finally remove the pet’s bed from the soapy warm water.

I have another trick that I like to use while I’m soaking the bed as well. I like to add apple cider vinegar or white vinegar to the water while it is soaking. 

Why? It eliminates odors, so apple cider vinegar or white vinegar are great substances to add to get rid of the foul odors left behind that seem stuck in your pet’s bed. This solution will get rid of the stink and make it smell nice and fresh once again.

Knowing how to clean a dog bed without a removable cover with just these 3 steps makes a huge difference! We're halfway done so keep reading for the last 3 steps.

dog sitting with pillows and blankets in a forest
Photo by igorovsyannykov on Pixabay.com

Related article: How To Wash A Dog Bed, A Step By Step Guide

Step #4: Use Baking Soda To Scrub The Dog Bed

In order to know how to clean a dog bed without a removable cover, you should remove the pet bed from the basin that it’s been soaking in, you need to begin scrubbing down the entire thing from top to bottom with baking soda. The easiest way is to dip your brush into water and then cover it in baking soda before you begin scrubbing down the dog beds. 

Some simple steps to follow include:

  • Dip the pet brush in warm or hot water
  • Cover the damp brush with a generous amount of baking soda
  • Scrub the brush across the dog bed as thoroughly as possible, really cutting in there to eliminate dirt and grime
  • Baking soda is great at neutralizing strong odors like dog bed smells and other unwanted scents, so it’s best to scrub this down as thoroughly as possible
  • Take it to the brush and use it to scrub the hard-to-reach places with baking soda, which ensures you’ll eliminate all potential areas that would emanate unwanted odors

Step #5: Thoroughly Rinse The Dogs Bed Without A Removable Cover

At this stage, it’s time to thoroughly rinse the pet bed to make sure you remove all traces of detergent whether you used mild or natural cleaners.

Why is this so important? Unfortunately, some dogs seem to suffer from allergic reactions to specific ingredients and people aren’t even always aware of it. That’s why it’s important to rinse the dog bed as much as you possibly can.

Take the bed and fold it over as much as possible so you can ring out the detergent and other cleaning solutions. Need the bed and push out every ounce of detergent that your strength will allow.

Now I’d like you to soak the bed in fresh water one more time. Soak it for another 15 minutes and then take it out of the basin, wring it out again, and remove as much water and detergent as you can get out of the bed.

Step #6: Wring Out And Dry Your Dog Bed

I understand that you squeezed as much of the water out of the bed as you could in the previous step, but I was hoping you could do it one more time. In this particular case though, I’m trying to help you dry the bed even faster, which is why you should wring it out once again.

After you’ve finished, you’ll have a fresh and clean dog bed on your hands. Place it outside and put it directly in the sunlight. This will dry it quickly and also give it a fresh and clean scent as it soaks up the sun and the outdoor air.


How To Clean A Dog Bed Without A Removable Cover: Is It Safe To Wash In A Washing Machine?

The answer to this question is yes and no. It’s going to be safe to wash a dog bed in a washing machine when the manufacturer’s instructions tell you that it’s safe. 

In other instances, the instructions are going to tell you that you should not wash the bed in a washing machine because it could potentially damage it. You need to read the instructions and make the determination yourself.

If it is machine washable, then your job has become a whole lot easier. Follow the instructions on the label and set your washing machine according to the manufacturer's wishes. 

More than likely, you’ll have to wash the dog bed in warm water, so you’ll have to put your washing machine on the warm water cycle. 

Again, it’s best to read the label and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Do this instead of attempting to guess the best way to set the machine to the proper cleaning and rinsing cycle.

curled up dog sleeping in green dog bed
Photo by mattycoulton on Pixabay.com

The Bottom Line On How To Clean A Dog Bed Without A Removable Cover

Knowing how to clean a dog bed without a removable cover is really important! Washing a dog bed without a removable cover is harder than washing one with a cover. But it isn’t impossible and it will not kill you put in a little elbow grease from time to time.

My best steps for how to clean a dog bed without a removable cover include:

  1. Vacuuming the bed first to remove excess pet hair
  2. Spot clean the cushion to eliminate unwanted stains
  3. Soak the pet’s bed in warm and soapy water – use mild chemical-free detergent
  4. Use baking soda to scrub the bed and get rid of unwanted odors
  5. Rinse the bed as thoroughly as possible. Soak it again and rinse it one more time
  6. Wring out the bed and get rid of as much water as you can and put it in the yard to dry in direct sunlight

If you follow these instructions, you will succeed at cleaning your dog’s bed. Have any other tips you’d like to share with us on how to clean a dog bed without a removable cover? Feel free to tell us your best tips by sharing them in the comments!


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