Thursday, June 9, 2022

Best Dog Grooming Clippers: Top 5 Review Of Today’s Outstanding Choices

Play a visualization game with me for a second:

You walk into the dog groomer's office because it’s time for your favorite pooch to get a haircut. He also needs to get his nails clipped and you’re even thinking of really pampering him by giving him a bath too.

You love your pup and you only want what’s best for him. But with the economy the way that it is and prices at the gas pump going up, and prices at the grocery store and everywhere else steadily rising, you can only pamper your pup within reason.

After telling the groomer your thoughts, she hits you with a hefty price tag anyway! At a minimum, if your dog isn’t too fussy, you’ll pay $60 for a haircut, nail trim, and bath. But they find ways to conveniently jack up the price with additional add-ons.

You think to yourself, “Why can’t I cut my dog’s hair at home?”

Guess what? You can and it’s easier than you think! That's why you need the best dog grooming clippers available!

Here’s what I recommend:

Take a closer look at the 5 dog grooming kits and clippers that I’m about to review. Consider choosing the best overall grooming kit, along with the best accessories, the best one for thicker coats of fur, and more. 

And really do yourself a favor and consider cutting your dog’s hair and nails yourself. You’ll save a lot of money over the long run. That might be just what the doctor ordered during these tough financial times.

Does this seem like a bright idea? Continue reading to learn about my favorite 5 dog grooming clippers and find out how I felt about each one of them when I personally tested them all.

5 Best Dog Grooming Clippers

Related article: How To Choose Dog Grooming Clippers

Related article: How To Use Dog Grooming Clippers

Related article: Why At Home Dog Grooming Is Vital

Buying Guide To Selecting The Best Dog Grooming Clippers:

Are you on the hunt for the best dog grooming clippers? It’s important that you know what to look for if you venture out on your own to choose clippers besides the 5 that I recommended above. There are important categories to focus on as you’ll learn below.


You may think it best to choose dog grooming clippers without any assistance at all. You may not want my influence affecting your judgment and that’s perfectly fine in my opinion.

But consider this for a moment…

Do you know the specific criteria to look for when choosing new clippers? When I reviewed the top 5 best dog grooming clippers above, I focused my testing on the 5 criteria below:

  • Effectiveness
  • Noise/Vibration
  • Power Level
  • Battery Life
  • Accessories

Why did I choose these categories? They appear to be the most relevant category for dog clippers. If the clippers fall short too often in any of these categories, they aren’t worth your time, money, or attention.

With that said, let’s get started…

groomer trimming dog fur
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on


How is it possible to determine effectiveness when looking at a product?

Past customer history is a great place to start. Many previous customers like to share their thoughts and feelings about a particular product online. You’ll learn the good, the bad, and the ugly this way.

Personally testing products is also a great way to determine effectiveness. I always test each one of the products that I review for at least 2 weeks to a month before I make my final determination.

When thinking of effectiveness, consider the following questions:

  • Do the clippers cut all types of dog hair?
  • Are they good at cutting thick hair?
  • Can they effectively cut fine hair?
  • Are customers happy with their overall performance?


At first glance, you likely wouldn’t even consider whether a particular pair of clippers are noisy or wonder if they vibrate a lot. But this is a rookie mistake that many unsuspecting victims make and it’s unfortunate, which is why I wanted to tell you about it today.

Do you have an anxious dog? Is he or she scared of loud noises? Would your pup freak out over a vibrating pair of clippers?

It’s unfortunate but many pet owners find out their dogs are afraid of loud noises and vibrating clippers the hard way. They have to spend their hard-earned money, only to discover that the clippers they picked out aren’t ideal for their pooch.

If you have an anxious pup, consider choosing clippers with low noise and low vibration output to help preserve their sanity and yours as well.

very small dog being groomed with a comb
Photo by Gustavo Fring on

Power Level

Some clippers are a lot stronger than others, which is why it’s important to pay attention to the power level while making your final choice.

How strong is the motor? Is it a heavy-duty motor known for durability? Will it provide enough power to cut the extremely thick hair that your dog has?

Is it a multi-speed motor? In some cases, you may have more than one dog. And one of your dogs might have very fine hair that you need to cut at a slower power level and speed. And on the other hand, you may have a dog with really thick hair that requires a lot more speed and power.

Depending on your situation, you can either get a multispeed pair of dog grooming clippers and choose the perfect all-in-one device, or you may prefer to buy more than one pair of clippers that are specifically designed for each of your dogs.

The choice is yours, so I’ll leave it up to you.

Battery Life

Definitely take battery life into consideration when choosing a new pair of cordless rechargeable clippers. Again, you may need clippers with a powerful battery that lasts a long time if you intend to cut the hair of multiple dogs in one sitting.

Believe it or not…

When you choose clippers with excellent battery life – somewhere in the neighborhood of 3-5 hours of juice – you’re choosing clippers that are typically more powerful than the ones that have weak battery life. So that’s something to keep in mind as well when you come to your final decision.

Some questions that I typically ask myself include:

  • What type of battery is it?
  • Is a rechargeable battery installed in the device?
  • Do the clippers use regular AA or AAA batteries that burn out quickly?
  • How long will the battery last with a full charge?


Last but not least are the accessories. In some cases, it might make more sense to cut the very thick hair off of your dog using a pair of scissors and a comb.

Does the dog grooming kit have a sharp pair of scissors and a stainless-steel comb? Is everything made of plastic or is it a higher-quality material?

At the end of the day, buying a dog grooming kit makes sense if it’s filled with high-quality accessories including sharp scissors, a stainless-steel comb or even a sturdy plastic comb, oil for the blade, a carrying case, a brush to clean hair out of the clippers, multiple clips to cut pet hair at varying lengths, and other needed accessories as well.

Read remarks from other customers to see how they felt about the accessories. Were they worth the money? Were they high-quality items? Consider these questions when making your final choice.

Best Dog Grooming Clippers FAQs:

Is It Okay to Groom Dogs with Human Clippers?

So many people ask this question, but the truth is it’s not okay to use human clippers when you’re grooming your dog. Dogs have very distinct fur and they need special clippers to effectively cut their hair. 

Human clippers could also potentially damage your dog’s skin, which would lead to wounds, injuries, and possible serious infections. Another factor to consider is allergies, which can be triggered by human clippers as well.

Dogs have very sensitive skin, so you need to choose the best clippers for their body type. Dog clippers should possess the following attributes:

  • Sharp blades – the blades of dog clippers must be sharper than the blades on your human clippers
  • Power level – dog clippers require more power than human clippers because dog fur is a lot thicker than human hair in many cases
  • Blade teeth – the teeth on dog clippers need to be wider than the teeth on blades of human clippers for maximum effectiveness
  • Clipper blades – you need a greater number of blades for dog clippers as opposed to human clippers

How Can I Cut My Dog’s Hair If My Pooch Is Afraid of Loud Noises?

On the surface, this definitely seems like a difficult dilemma. But there is a very easy solution to your problem.

Did you know that they have low noise and low vibration dog clippers? You can find them for sale in your favorite pet store or your favorite online retailer’s website. 

Look for clippers that specifically say they make very little noise and very little vibration on the packaging.

Or if you prefer…

Try a different tactic to calm your nervous dog. Use essential oils like chamomile and frankincense to calm down your furry friend prior to cutting his or her hair.

Which Clipper Blades Are Ideal for Grooming Dogs?

After reading about the best dog grooming clippers, you undoubtedly have a specific look or style that you would like your dog to showcase once you cut his or her hair. But not all dog grooming blades are created equally.

To achieve what you’re trying to accomplish, please consider the following types of blades to meet your specific hair cutting needs. The sizes include:

  • Size 10 Blade – this dog grooming blade is perfect for general hair trimming. It’s also an awesome blade to use when attempting to cut the hair between your dog’s paws.
  • Size 40 Blade – I like using this particular size blade when I’m grooming the hair on my dog’s face and ears. This is an exceptional size for this job in particular.
  • Size 30 or Size 50 – these blade sizes are ideal for cutting dog hair when the hair is very short.
  • Fine Tooth Blades – these blades are perfect when you’re trying to give your dog a very smooth and sleek look.
  • Size 10-15 – the ideal sizes for the base of the tail, the feet, and the face.
  • Size 7F – wet this blade when you’re attempting to groom a dog with a very matted coat.
  • Sizes 3, 4, and 5 – these sizes are best to use when you’re shaving the legs and body of your dog

Scissors – please use scissors instead of your clippers when you’re grooming the tailpiece and topknot of your dog.

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