Thursday, June 9, 2022

Best Dog Cooling Vest: [year] Detailed Review & Buyer’s Guide

You love your dog to death and want what’s best for him or her at all times. You’re willing to brave the summer heat to make sure your healthy pop gets ample exercise. This is why you need the best dog cooling vest.

When you take your pooch for a run on a hot summer day, you see its tongue hanging out and your furry friend is doing an awful lot of panting. This is happening because your pooch is getting extremely hot when summer temperatures soar.

Here’s the thing:

Your pup doesn’t need to suffer in the blistering heat any longer. In fact, you can keep your pooch cool and comfortable by getting your furry friend one of the Best Dog Cooling Vests.

I evaluated 6 of the top dog cooling vests and used specific criteria that I tested each product to see how they stack up against one another. The criteria I used include:

  • Ease of Putting On & Taking Off
  • Safety
  • Cooling Effectiveness
  • Overall Design
  • Sizing

It can feel downright difficult to find the perfect dog cooling Vest for your favorite pooch. But if you use this information shared today as a guide, you’ll discover budget-friendly vests, cooling Vests for large or small dogs, lightweight vests, and much more.

Keep reading because your fur baby is worth it!

6 Best Dog Cooling Vest Picks

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Buying Guide To Selecting The Best Dog Cooling Vest

Are you ready to buy the best dog cooling vest for your pup this summer? I provided plenty of great recommendations above, but for one reason or another, you have to ignore my recommendations and go along on your own path.

Don’t worry about it if this is the case. In fact, I’m here for you regardless. And I’d like to take it a step further and share my process for selecting the best dog cooling vests that are available the day.

Why? I share this information freely because my readers need to know what to look for when choosing products of this nature.

I already did the leg work by performing research and analysis, and I even tested each one of the 6 products that are recommended above.

How did I do it?

I evaluated each dog cooling vest by seeing how they measured up in 5 specific categories that were the most relevant to these fests. I use the criteria below to create a rating system for each product, and I feel you should follow these guidelines as well.

My criteria are as follows:

  • Ease of Putting On & Taking Off
  • Safety
  • Cooling Effectiveness
  • Overall Design
  • Sizing

How come I chose the specific categories? My research led me here and I determined that each one of these categories is the most relevant for dog cooling vests.

To learn more about each category, please keep reading to discover my thoughts and feelings about them below.

dog chasing tennis ball
Photo by Alotrobo on

Ease of Putting On & Taking Off

This category likely doesn’t surprise anyone who has owned a dog for more than five minutes. We know how fussy they can be about putting on clothes! If you want the best dog cooling vest, you need to consider how easy it will be to put on and take off your pup.

So, before I narrowed down my research to the 6 products that I’ve shared above, I actually scrolled through dozens of different dog cooling vests to find out more about each of these products. And the main thing that I looked for immediately was whether or not former customers had a tough time putting them on or taking them off.

My dog can be a real pain in the butt, to put it bluntly, when I have to put clothes on him for any reason. But I always want him to remain cool and safe during the summer, so wearing a cooling vest is an absolute must when we go for a walk in the middle of the afternoon in the hot Georgia sun.

When considering the ease of putting on or taking off a specific cooling vest, keep the following in mind:

  • Have other customers complained or found it difficult to take the vest off or put it back on again?
  • Do other dogs seem to struggle and fuss whenever the cooling vest is being put on or taken off?

The best way to get answers to these questions is to read reviews from former customers. They’ll share their triumphs and tragedies with you so that you can learn from their mistakes.


Safety is of the utmost importance when choosing the best dog cooling vest for your dog. The whole point of the cooling vest is to keep your dog safe and protected from ultraviolet rays and humidity during the hot summer months.

If you do not think a particular cooling vest is going to keep your dog safe, you should avoid it like the plague.

How can you tell which cooling vests are safe? Consider the following thoughts before making your final choice:

  • Are customers complaining and saying the product doesn’t keep their dog cool?
  • Does the cooling vest fail to provide adequate UV ray protection?
  • Is the cooling vest known for its inability to keep dogs cool in humid climates?

You can find answers to these questions online by reading reviews from previous customers.

Cooling Effectiveness

The entire reason to buy a cooling vest is to keep your dog cool when he gets incredibly hot and blisteringly brutal outside. You want your dog to feel cool and comfortable when you take him or her for walks in the hot summer sun.

So, you’ll obviously have to figure out if the vest is effective at keeping dogs cool. If the vest is known for its ability to stay cool for many hours at a time, then you’d definitely have a good vest on your hands.

Consider the following when determining cooling effectiveness:

  • What type of cooling mechanism does the vest provide? (E.g. soaking, cooling packs, mesh material, etc.)
  • How long will the vest remain cool on a hot summer’s day?

Answering these questions will guide you toward choosing the Best Dog Cooling Vests to keep your dog comfortable and safe during the hot summer days and nights.

dog in red vest at the pool
Photo by graphicphoto on

Overall Design

This category should be fairly self-explanatory but I want to share a few pointers with you as well so that you absolutely get it right.

When determining the effectiveness of the overall design, please consider the following:

  • Does it fit all-sized dogs?
  • Is it safe for your dog to wear?
  • Does it have UV protection built-in?
  • Is it made of comfortable material?
  • Is it made of breathable material?
  • Is the cooling mechanism effective?
  • Do the cooling capabilities last for a long time?


Finally, the best dog cooling vest isn’t going to be effective if the sizing is all screwed up. You must find the right vest with a proper and correct sizing chart so that you know the best size to fit your dog.

For the most part, you should look for specific products that have a sizing chart available on their product listing page. This will provide specific measurements or sizes based on length, chest, and neck size.

If you accidentally purchase the wrong size, the vest might be too large for your dog and it will not be able to keep it cool because the vest needs to touch their fur to be effective.

On the other hand, the size might be too small, which would be very uncomfortable for your dog and make it difficult for them to walk, run, and play.

Best Dog Cooling Vest FAQs:

How Do Dog Cooling Vests Work?

For the most part, each vest is going to work differently depending on the design and the way that it was made.

The most common type of vest is known as an evaporative vest. It works using evaporation to reduce the body temperature of your dog. As the evaporation process begins working and it pulls water from your dog’s body, it also removes heat at the same time, helping to keep your dog cool on the hot summer days.

Vests that incorporate ice packs obviously work very differently. These vests are very cold and provide instant cooling as soon as they are put on your dog. Your dog will immediately begin cooling down as soon as you take the vest out of the freezer and put it on your dog’s body.

How Can I Determine Whether or Not the Cooling Vest Will Be the Right Size for My Dog?

The best way to determine the proper size to choose for a cooling vest is to get your dog’s measurements. The measurements are needed to determine the best size to meet your dog’s needs.

Typically speaking, when a company creates a cooling vest, they base their sizing on the circumference of the dog’s neck, backlink, and chest size. A typical sizing chart looks very similar to the following:

  • XS: Back length 10" * Chest 14"-17" * Neck 10"
  • S: Back length 11" * Chest 16"-19" * Neck 11"
  • M: Back length 13" * Chest 19"-24" * Neck 13"
  • L: Back length 15" * Chest 23"-28" * Neck 15"
  • XL: Back length 17" * Chest 26"-32" * Neck 18"
  • XXL: Back length 21" * Chest 29"-35" * Neck 21"
  • XXXL: Back length 25" * Chest 34"-41" * Neck 23"

How Long Do Ice Pack Cooling Vests Typically Tend to Stay Cold?

The answer to this question depends on a number of different factors. The biggest factor of all is how hot it will be outside when you bring your dog for a walk. If it’s 100° and humid, the cooling vest isn’t going to stay cool for very long.

On the other hand, if it’s 85° and sunny, the cooling vest will certainly last a lot longer and remain cold for a much longer time.

As an example, if it’s really humid and very hot, the cooling vest may only stay cold for 1-2 hours. On the other hand, if it’s sunny and warm but there isn’t too much humidity in the air, the cooling vest could remain effective for as many as four hours before it becomes warm to the touch.

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