Thursday, April 30, 2020


Poodles have that trace of elegance and luxury in them. Movies often depict them as sassy, prim, and royal. They have this unique coat styling that quickly identifies them that makes them more regal.

However, opposite to what is known, they are brilliant, eager, athletic, playful, and loving to their family and other animals. They are also very easy to train, and they excel in obedience, performance, and hunting tests.

Poodle Dog Breed

Poodle Statistics

Dog Breed Group Companion Dogs
Height Over 15 inches (standard)
Weight 60-70 pounds (male), 40-50 pounds (female)
Lifespan 10-18 years

Poodle Ratings

Energy level
Exercise needs
Requires attention
Friendly with family
Friendly with strangers
Friendly with other dogs
Prey Drive

History Of Poodles

Although known as pampered dogs, poodles were originally bred as working dogs, mainly meant for hunting waterfowl. Even their coat styling is ideally meant to lighten up their weight and that it wouldn’t get stuck on any underwater debris. The coat is also water-resistant, which helps in their swimming.

Poodles are one of the oldest purebred dogs which originated in Germany and developed as a distinct breed in France. The name poodle derived from the German word Pudelhund – pudel, which means “to splash about” and hund, which means “dog.”

However, their exact origin is unknown until now.

One popular theory believes that poodles’ earliest ancestors are curly-coated dogs found in Central Asia. It is also thought that poodles came from crossbreeding of several European water dogs (Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Hungarian, and Rusian). Other historians also believe that the North African Baret is also poodle’s ancestors.

But, whatever their true ancestry is, there’s no denying that this breed is old. Even Egyptian and Roman artifacts from the 1st century B.C. have poodle-like dogs carved on them.

Slowly, people found the many exceptional qualities of poodles. From being water hunting dogs, they moved up to the ladder of luxury. Filled with elegance, nobles of France grew fond of them. And eventually, they dominated the hearts of all of Europe.

Poodle Temperament

Poodles are generally easy-going and even-tempered. They are a breed of dog who makes a perfect companion to people. They bond with every member of the family, and they have no favorites.

Although surrounded by elegance, poodles are also funny and humorous. They are very sensitive to their human’s feelings and will sometimes do things to make you laugh.

They are highly intelligent and have natural instincts when it comes to hunting. And since they were originally hunting dogs, they do have high energy and loves being active. They can quickly get bored, so you need to find ways to keep them distracted or to keep them busy, especially if they want to play. They also love adventures, so if you’re an outgoing type, both of you will be an inseparable pair.

Poodles are closer to their family than other people. However, they are not aggressive toward strangers. Instead, they are only shy. They might also bark a little signaling to protect their humans. With a little bit of introduction, they can be very gentle, not only to new people but even to fellow animals and little kids.

They make excellent watchdogs because of their watchful nature. If they sense imminent danger, they would immediately warn you by barking.

This barking can also be a problem if you leave poodles alone. They love attention and the spotlight, so make sure you give it to them when they ask. You can also train them at a young age to avoid any future problems. When it comes to training, you don’t even have to worry about a thing because they are easy to train.

All in all, poodles are loving, intelligent, and great companions for couples, singles, or a family with kids. It would also be better if you are staying or working at home often. They are highly active and love outdoors, so make sure to take them if you’re going out as they can get lonely.

Poodle Facts

Care Requirements Of Poodles

  • Nutrition: Poodles need a healthy balanced diet to keep their health optimized. Their food needs to include a variety of ingredients such as fish, poultry, other meats, vegetables, healthy fats, oils, and some carbs. An excellent nutritional balance must consist of 60% protein, 20% carbs, and 20% fats. You would also need to compute their calories required depending on the poodle’s weight, habits, and health. You can consult your vet too if you’re having problems with the computation. Remember to avoid any artificial flavoring, coloring, preservatives, by-products, and other unhealthy ingredients. Poodles can be sensitive, so it’s best to keep everything all-natural.
  • Grooming: The most distinctive feature of poodles is their coat or fur. They need to be clipped and trimmed frequently to prevent any matting. However, only professionals must do this so you can’t hurt your poodle. Professional grooming can be expensive, so if you don’t have a budget for it yet, daily brushing will help prevent the matting. Their coat is non-shedding. This is great news for those that are allergic to fur, or in seeing fur in their couches. For bathing, you can do this every four to six weeks. Also, don’t forget to check and trim the nails too regularly.
  • Exercise: Since poodles were originally hunting dogs, they are very energetic and need to stay active by exercising every day. It will also eliminate any aggression, destructive behavior, and barking. Daily walking would be the best exercise you can do for a poodle. Playing fetch would be a great activity too. If you have a pool, then you can also get your poodles to swim. As original waterfowl hunters, this would certainly be something they can enjoy.
  • Health: If taken care of really well, poodles will live a long and healthy life. However, they can also be prone to many dog health problems such as hip dysplasia, epilepsy, progressive retinal atrophy, Addison’s disease, and thyroid issues. Most of these are genetic disorders, so it’s best to check what conditions their parents have so you can have your poodle checked as well.
  • Lifespan: Poodles can live from 10-18 years.


Famous Poodles

  • Moustache: A poodle who participated in two wars; alerted his regiment to regiment to a surprise night attack during the Italian Campaign; discovered an Austrian spy at the Battle of Austerlitz
  • Hector: Grover Cleaveland’s poodle, and one of the earliest poodles to grace Washington D.C.
  • Gaullie: John F. Kennedy’s poodle
  • Vicky: Richard Nixon’s poodle; the most storied of White House Poodles
  • Aero: A miniature poodle owned by Mao Asada, a Japanese figure skater
  • Boye: Dog of Prince Rupert of the Rhine; was killed at the Battle of Marston Manor
  • Roly: A BBC soap opera (East Enders) poodle; he was made a property of BBC and was taken to live with Julie Smith in London
  • Foo-Foo: The poodle owned by Miss Piggy in the Muppet Show
  • Cleo: The famous poodle best friend of Clifford, the Big Red Dog

Fun Facts About Poodles

  • Poodles rank seven as the most popular dog breed in the U.S.
  • They came from Germany, not France.
  • They have been around for centuries, and nobody can point out their origin.
  • They are originally bred as waterfowl hunters and are excellent swimmers.
  • Poodles come in three sizes: standard, miniature, and toy.
  • Poodle fur never stops growing and needs regular grooming.
  • Poodles’ coat styling isn’t all for show; they’re shaved so they can swim better, and the rest of their fur covers the vital parts of their body.
  • Their coat is hypoallergenic; they are sometimes crossbred with other breeds because of it.
  • An all-poodle dog sled team once competed in the Iditarod Dog Sled Race; sadly, the harsh weather conditions weren’t meant for them, and most of them got injuries.

The post Poodle appeared first on Furry Friends Gear.

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